Posing Prompts for Children

March 23, 2021

 Photographing children can be extremely difficult and can be a pain to get them to pose and smile for your camera. Between being moody, tired, and unwilling to pose, prompts can be an easy way to get your client to pose the way you’d like, and a lot of times they can come naturally and help ease the flow of your session. Try these 20 prompts during your next session for a full, uniquely posed gallery!

Lauren Gray

Wild Fyre Co. | Kansas City, MO | FB + IG @wildfyreco

Blog Images by Lauren Gray
Model- Vae

Prompt- Tell me a funny joke!

Pose- Capture the candid reactions and the giggling afterwards. This pose can be sitting, laying down, or standing. 

Prompt- What’s your favorite song? Sing it for me and let’s dance it out!

Pose- Capture candid reactions and dance moves. Laughing shots will usually follow!

Prompt- Do you like to spin around? Let’s put your arms out to the side and spin around in circles!

Pose- If your client has long hair and a dress, capture the twirling and motion. This pose is great because it captures true joy. Take a few photos with this prompt so you have options!

Prompt- How high can you jump?! When I say 3, give me your BIGGEST jump!

Pose- You may need to take a few shots to get the images you’re looking for!

Prompt- Look over in the distance over there! Can you tell me what you see?

Pose- Capture side profile photos and different angles. This one can be done multiple times during your session and give you different results each time. This pose can also be used sitting, standing, or laying down. 

Prompt- How old are you? Hold up those fingers for me!

Pose- Get creative with angles and focus points with this one. 

Prompt- Can you turn around the other way (direct the client to face away from you)? Now only turn your head and look at me!

Pose- Have your client look at you over their shoulder. Ask for different expressions like, “Show me your sassy face!  Now a sad face. Now a surprised face! Give me a big smile! Good job!” 

Prompt- Look at those pretty flowers! Do they smell good? Let’s play with them. 

Pose- Flowers make great props! Capture images of them smelling, picking, and exploring. Have the child hold up their favorite to the camera and pose with it. 

Prompt- Show me the silliest face you can make!

Pose- The child will have some free reign to pose in their element. Feel free to ask for more faces if they are a silly kid. 

Prompt- Show me how high you can toss those leaves (or any object like sand that can be tossed around)

Pose- Have your client toss the ground confetti a few times!

Prompt- Do you think you can surprise me? Stand behind there and try!

Pose- Direct the child to stand behind a wall or tree and pop out at you. 

Prompt- Your dress is so pretty! Can you give it a twirl?

Pose- Ask the child to grab the bottom of their dress or skirt and move it around. 

Prompt- Let’s see your best serious face! Look right over here. 

Pose- This one is pretty self explanatory. Ask for different expressions, like stick out your tongue, with this prompt!

Prompt- Run towards the sun!

Pose- Have your client run away from you towards the sun (or any background object of your choosing) and snap a few photographs. 

Prompt- Do you know how to skip? Show me!

Pose- This one can be done in conjunction with running towards the sun. Tell your client, “That run was so fun! Do you think you can do it again but skipping?

Prompt- Pretend you’re in a rock band! Shake that head around!

Pose- Focus on capturing the hair movement and fun expressions. 

Prompt- Can you tilt those sunglasses down your nose and look up at me like you’re the coolest kid ever?

Pose- Have the child hold the glasses on one side and tilt them downwards and look up at you. Use this time to capture other shots with the glasses or sunglasses!

Prompt- Can we sit right here and hug your knees like you’re a little cannon ball?

Pose- The client will sit and hug their knees! Be creative with hand placement for a nice variety of shots. 

Prompt- Let’s make a fist! Now put it under your chin and look at me. 

Pose- This is a fun one! You can capture a variety of expressions and utilize props if you’d like. The prompt can also be used for a timeless portrait. 

Prompt- I love your hat! Let’s grab it and pull it over your eyes. Do you feel silly? Let’s laugh!

Pose- Your client will pull or tilt the hat down, depending on the hat type. Mix it up and have fun!